School Locator

Locate Which Schools Serve Your Home Address:
To find which schools serve your home address, you can search the school database with the full or partial street name of your address.


Map of SD48 Schools:
Click and drag to view our interactive map of all SD48 schools located in the Sea to Sky. 

Squamish Catchment Boundaries:


Click here, or view below map, to review the Squamish catchments prior to registration.


Effective 2023:

The following neighborhood catchments have been updated:

  • Northyards
  • Loggers Lane (north at Finch Drive)
  • Tantalus Road (north of Executive Suites)
  • Skyridge


All students currently attending school from these neighbourhoods and siblings who may be starting Kindergarten in September 2023 or later will not be impacted by these changes as they will be permitted to attend their current school. The catchment boundary changes only apply to future students without siblings already enrolled, who are of Kindergarten age starting September 2023 or later. For more information about the approval process, click here