St’a7mes School - Cultural Journeys and Learning Expeditions

St'a7mes School is home to two innovative programs of choice in
Sea to Sky School District No. 48 

Aya7ayulh Chet (Cultural Journeys) – K-6 Culture & Language Program of Choice.

Learning Expeditions – Gr 7-12 Project Based Learning Program of Choice.


These choice programs are very exciting and kids are learning in different and more innovative ways than ever before! Check out our new Aya7ayulh Chet (Cultural Journeys) video below!



All our programs seek to help our district meet its goals for Aboriginal Learners as laid out in our School District 48 Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement.


If you are interested in learning more or coming for a tour, please contact our

Principal, Cory Hartling- [email protected]



St’a7mes School is a program of choice. Registrations will be placed on a waitlist until availability of space is confirmed. Students will be accepted on a first come, first served basis from the time they register with the above intake form. 
While on the waitlist, your child will maintain a seat at their catchment school. When accepted to the program, you need to fill in the Cultural Journey's/Learning Expeditions Parent Accept/Withdraw Form, confirming that you will either accept or withdraw your child’s place. 