
English Kindergarten
The School Act states that parents/guardians must enroll their child in an educational program, provided by a Board of Education, on the first school day of a school year if, on or before December 31st of that school year, their child will have reached the age of 5 years.
The School Act also states that parents/guardians, of a child this age, may defer the enrolment of their child until the first school day of the next school year.
As you consider what is best for your child, please note that the Ministry of Education recently shared the statistic that students are 15% less likely to graduate on time if they are held back before grade 5.
If you are wishing to delay school enrollment for your five year old child, we request that you meet with your child’s catchment area school principal and the Director of Instruction: Learning Services.
We encourage you to take this opportunity for a meaningful consultation regarding the programming we provide in Kindergarten, future placement and educational considerations, and also the program you would be providing at home, if you elect for that choice. This conversation would include, but not be limited to:
- Understanding a Play Based Learning Environment;
- Social emotional learning strategies;
- Personalization of learning strategies and individual education planning;
- Supports available if at school;
- Supports and resources available if your child stays home;
- Placement considerations when returning to school; and,
- Educational considerations resulting from a one-year delayed entry.
We appreciate you taking the time to meet with us for this important discussion, so you can make the most informed decision for your child.
Upon returning your child to school following a delayed entry year, it will be presumed that your child will be placed in grade 1 with their age group peers. Should you wish, at this point, to have a Kindergarten entry considered for your child, it is required that you meet with your child’s catchment area school principal and the Director of Instruction: Learning Services.
According to the MoE, you are 15% less likely to graduate on time if you are held back before grade 5.