Support at Home

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How can you support your child's education at home? Here are a few tips to help your child learn and grow:

  • Read with your child every day for at least 15 minutes.
  • Ensure your child gets plenty of sleep. A young child needs at least 10 hours of sleep each night.
  • Have your child wear comfortable clothes to school and send an extra set of clothing to school in case there is a need.
  • Make sure your child is properly dressed for the weather.
  • Ensure your child brings healthy lunches and snacks to school every day. 
  • Ensure your child's school has current contact information in case we need to get in touch with you during the day. If pick-­‐up plans for your child change, please let your child’s teacher know in advance.
  • Call the school or let your child’s teacher know ahead of time if your child is going to be absent.