How We Show Support

Survivor's Flag: School District 48 (Sea to Sky) has a long-standing commitment to supporting Indigenous Education and has wholeheartedly taken on many reconciliation initiatives, one of which is the display of The Survivors’ Flag at every SD48 site. For more information about the Survivors’ Flag, please visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation’s website:
Wear Orange: We wear orange shirts, particularly throughout the month of September, in honour of survivors, of those who never returned, and of the ongoing legacy of Residential Schools. If you are interested in purchasing an orange shirt, we encourage you to purchase it from one of the listed retailers at There are other ways to wear orange and show your support too. For example, an orange ribbon or strips of an orange t-shirt can be worn on a wrist. Some schools have used paper to cut out small orange t-shirts to pin onto students’ clothing.