Elementary Level Online Resources


Digital Resources for Research

Are you looking for information for a project or an inquiry? We have online resources that can help you find what you need. The links below will work from any school campus. If you want to search from home, ask your teacher-librarian for the user name and password.

General Encyclopedias:  
Nat Geo Kids
Find amazing facts about animals, science, history and geography, along with fun competitions, games and more. There are links to magazines, books, videos, and photos. 
The articles in the database are appropriate for upper intermediate students, and contain information about all kinds of topics related to BC, past and present.
World Book Early Learning
Early learning is designed for preschool students with tools and content that reinforce early childhood curriculum via short videos, read-aloud stories, printable activities, and matching and tracing games, among others.
World Book Decouverte
Engager l'entrée dans la recherche. An. 3-6
World Book Discover
Leveled text, research. Gr. 5-9
World Book Kids
Thousands of articles with information on a wide variety of topics. Gr. 3-6
World Book Student
Thousands of articles with information on a wide variety of topics. Gr. 5-9
World Book Timelines
Interactive tool, world events, Gr. 5-9
Explora Primary Schools
Indigenous Digital Resource K-12:  
4 Canoes
Authentic Indigenous voices discussing Cultural Rights, Human Rights, Environmental Rights, and Equity